jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Mexican Presidente Loses his way

Mexican president loses his way

* CALDERON loses his way




Straying ideologically.

Politically isolated from their natural allies.

Desperate to a crisis that does not know how to cope.

Rejected his economic program by all sectors and parties ...

Mexican President Felipe Calderón seems to have lost his way and thereby assume a position also by the disappointment caused by its economic measures taken and failed, two of his predecessors, Luis Echeverría and José López Portillo, also adopted: blame entrepreneurs.

Mexico, like other countries, is experiencing a financial crisis, which is deepened by two key elements:

A) The economic dependency it has with its northern neighbor, the United States, a country which has almost 80% of their trade.

B) The dependence of public finances of oil exports.

The drop in both U.S. indicators as oil prices have beaten the Mexican economy, which successive governments - including the present - have made them dependent on oil sales in international markets.

However, both the current government of Felipe Calderón as the immediate past, headed by Vicente Fox, have not met the expectations of the people, because unlike what happens in any democratic country where there is alternation in power, in Mexico there has been no change.

That is, everything has changed in Mexico to follow exactly the same.

The governments of Fox and Calderon have not shifted, as is occurring today in the U.S. with Obama, and as happened under Bush after Clinton's mandate, but governments have built hybrids, where the principles have been sacrificed in alliance with groups of old party in power.

For Calderon, his main alliance is with elements belonging to groups of former President Ernesto Zedillo - a man who after producing the most severe economic crisis has hampered modernization undertaken by his predecessor - and the millionaire leader of the teachers in government schools, Elba Esther Gordillo.

The more solid the alliance has been Calderon with those forces of the old regime, has been losing the consensus of other social forces, including those naturally were allies of the PAN (National Action Party).

The clearest evidence of this is the economic program for 2010 to be debated in the Mexican Congress.

Calderon had two choices:

1) The socialist type Spain, to tackle the crisis with more taxes to finance in favor of the government, rather than on individuals.

2) The non-socialist, as is undertaken in Germany, where what is sought is to revive the economy by increasing the purchasing power of citizens to Lowering taxes.

The tax relief is:

A) Increase in real terms the income of individuals and families.

B) Develop capacity to purchase.

C) To induce the formation of capital.

D) To contribute to the savings capacity of people and employers.

E) Generate incentives for further investment.

F) Finally, if there is more consumption, more production, more jobs and more taxes, more government revenue.

Calderon chose the socialist path.

In such a way that seeks to increase taxes on the citizenry. Eat away even more purchasing power, savings and investment.

Not even all the members of his party supports him. All other political forces opposed to this desire of making life more expensive. The entrepreneurs have turned their backs, showing that more taxes, which pay them, not help create jobs, which is what the country needs.

To his despair, stemming from isolation, loss of consensus that has fallen, but Calderon has just been released sion against employers in the country against employers lols, noting that companies that generate more income are evading payments to Treasury.

This statement is extremely dangerous Calderon:

1 .- If it is true what they say, and includes features to check, is required to undertake criminal proceedings against employers in the country. I have to do by law.

2 .- It's hard to believe, moreover, since large companies are already subject to constant revisions prosecutors. They pay more taxes which, in contrast to millions of citizens who do not cover any payment to the treasury, under the government dares into the army of taxpayers, taxpayers, by political and electoral matters.

3 .- But the most dramatic of all is that criticism of Calderon reminded Luis Echeverría and José López Portillo, former Mexican presidents with the results of his economic proposals failed, they ended up blaming the employers of the crisis.

The latter is politically more serious. 


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