* PRO GAY VOTE IN THE UN; alliance with the PRD IN 3 STATES
Overwhelmingly defeated in elections last July,
In despair at the loss of political patronage,
Doctrinally astray
Ethically confused and
Adversely affected by the bloodshed in the country that has left the government policy to only fight the drug cartels to death ...
The Mexican ruling party, PAN, took a step closer in its eagerness to break with the Catholic electorate: he decided to ally with the party electorally promoter of abortion, marriage between same sex and adoption of children by lesbian couples or homosexual, that is, the socialist PRD.
The announcement that the PAN and PRD are in 3-state alliance for elections to be held this year in Mexico, now I do understand political actions undertaken by both the Mexican government of Felipe Calderón as the aforementioned game, which leaves no doubt that the so-called National Action Party is fully immersed in the practice Social:
1 .- legislators of the PAN (National Action Party) have endorsed in nearly a dozen states, constitutional amendments to legalize abortion, while also including a delusional state guarantee to the person, from conception until death.
2 .- The base of the socialist PRD in the Federal District Legislative Assembly last December prompted and approved, marriage between same-sex couples and their right to adopt children in Mexico City, one of the most populated in the world. Strangely the PAN only prompted a procedural objection, without giving any in-depth doctrinal battle.
3 .- This suspicious attitude NAP coincided with an action taken by the Mexican government to ally within the United Nations with the social-democratic countries - including Argentina, Chile, Honduras and others - and vote for a resolution the same month last December on new categories protected from discrimination encouraged by lesbian and gay lobbies. However, the alliance of African countries, Muslims and some English-speaking Caribbean, prevented this resolution was adopted at the UN General Assembly.
Other actions undertaken by the current Mexican government have moved to raise the alignment of the Socialist International with a very clear way.
Thus, since 1939, formal establishment year, the PAN has experienced a constant tension between two currents: the current liberal who fathered him - precisely in the effort of trying to keep the forgotten revolutionary liberalism as Calles, Obregón, Cardenas and others, who opted for the socialist statism - and Catholic maintained from the start in the rear.
IN Catholic people SE
Thus, with Mexico being a mainly Catholic country, could never have parliamentary representation faithful to the Church's social doctrine that may have made solid counterweight to the liberal or statist positions that supported the factions rather than promoting the healthy separation of powers, but of the subordination of religion to the state.
Within this vein, therefore, not ex extraordinary that within the same National Action Party has been searched, in keeping with liberalism fathered him, anesthetized Catholic policy and, in contrast, encourage the professionalization of politics. It always opt for political correctness rather than the overwhelming testimony of the doctrinally accurate. Catholicism is shameful facilitators, the dissociation found between Catholicism and politics.
That makes a claim of this nature the current secretary of public education in Mexico is spectacularly disturbing, since it is precisely historical facts that can not be ignored: "Independence is not perhaps what is now Mexico was initiated a priest, Miguel Hidalgo, carrying the banner with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe? And how ignorant comments made by the Servant of the Nation, Jose Morelos y Pavon? And how to forget the original texts of successive constitutions in which primordial talk about it, our own, as a Catholic nation? Are historical facts ...
This shameful Catholicism promoted in the National Action for its members can be clearly seen that its current chairman fear of being visible link with the religion, with God. This was said verbatim in a press conference where he made known its position regarding the adoption of the "marriage" between gays and lesbians in Mexico City and the right to adopt children:
A) Cesar Nava, the current president of the National Action visible, PAN strengthens the liberal position, that is, refuses to use the foundations, principles and embraces what others say ... to announce that the PAN will choose to perform an opinion poll. In other words, within the liberal dogma, no truths, no truths, everything is subjective, individual. The NAP takes the same role as Pilato, washes his hands and decides that the shouting.
B) The rejection is merely procedural PAN to the accomplishments of the socialist PRD legislators, and
C) Assumes a shameful Catholicism, taking refuge in the liberal position. He said:
"We reiterate that we will defend the institution of marriage with legal and political arguments without resorting to religious or moral arguments. We will make the defense of marriage as a civil institution since the days when Benito Juárez promoted the adoption of the Laws of Reform and marriage in the Mexican Civil Code was legislated and collected and for nearly two centuries.
We, therefore, upholding the law of the criteria men with men and not God, we will clearly separating defense matters that are Caesar's and the issues that are of God.
Marriage is a civil institution that merits a civil defense and, therefore, legal and political. "
The reader can easily observe in the previous visible words of the president of the PAN, the classic liberal position:
* Adopt a merely positivistic attitude, avoiding the main, that is, that before being a "civil institution, marriage is a natural institution.
* Back to the Reform Laws is a limited resource, poor, compared to an institution long before any written law.
* Maintain the desire to continue hiding in the closet the moral grounds to only stay in the realm of procedural.
Christian Democratic BECAME PAN
But remember that the party promoter both abortion and marriage between same sex and their right to adopt children, is the socialist PRD.
What, in essence, the true position of the NAP? Are you or against abortion? Are you in favor or against the union of same sex? Are you in favor or against which they can adopt children?
Because if it is against all those "rights" granted by the PRD legislators ... how to explain to their constituents, and its clientele which is allied Catholic, is associated with the same socialist PRD in the polls to be held this year in Mexico to renew state governments?
Clearly, we insist that within the PAN have found these two currents to define the direction of the party, now in government. On the one hand and the other liberal Catholic. But despite the foundational liberal character always opposed religious bind the PAN, the party today is part of the Christian Democratic International. And the income of the National Action was decided that body just as the current President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, was national president of PAN, ie, in 1998.
Obviously, both internally and externally, the PAN, on the one hand, and the Church and Catholicism, on the other, have different agendas.
We, you and I, not not be Catholic. Come on, even agnostics. But whatever our beliefs or convictions, what is evident is the lack of consistency of Mexico's ruling party.
By expect to win some state governorships, is putting aside all principles.
What is important for the NAP, is the triumph electioneering. However serious damage occurs in people:
* The generation of political confusion in the electorate in good faith.
* The loss of certainty, which focuses on what is true and what is false.
* Confusion between what is good and bad.
* The loss of party identification.
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